My Lycamobile
Monitor your calls and texts online with My Lycamobile. Gain access to lots of useful tools and earn $5 of free credit (Register your SIM you need to complete 2 successful top ups to get free credit. Bundle purchase will not be considered a top up).
Auto Renewal
Your bundle is subject to Auto-renewal and will automatically renew once it expires after the 28-day validity period provided your account balance is sufficient to cover the renewal. You will receive reminder before it is due to be renewed, giving you the option to cancel. The renewal charges will be deducted from your main balance or through your payment card, depending on the initial activation method.
Unlimited National Calls
Standard Local, National & Mobile calls within Australia
Unlimited Messages
standard National SMS within Australia
International Calls
Unlimited calls to selected 53 countries. PLUS, 300 mins to selected Group A or 100 mins selected Group B Countries
- Data: 100GB
- Type: Prepaid (28 Days)